For fast local Computer repair in Swindon

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Computer Repair
We solve all Computer problems
At Computer repair Swindon, we aim to repair your Computer as fast and efficiently as we can, installing only quality components, we carry good a range of hard drives, Ram / Memory, fans, power supplies & motherboard bios chips in stock to minimise your PC's down time.  

Bios repair & programming

Com Masters computer repair can reprogram your bios chip or replace a failed bios chip on your motherboard, issues such as not powering on, fan going like the clappers but nothing on the screen, or maybe you have recently updated your bios firmware and now your PC won't start
give us a quick call for a fiendly chat or use the contact form below.

Hard drive upgrade

Do you have a HDD, SSD, M.2 or an NvMe problem? no worries we can help. We offer Computer hard drive upgardes to SSD to speed up your old Computer, hard drive diagnosis, data recovery & data transfer, free space running low? we can also clone your hard drive to a larger drive for more data storage.

Computer Power Problems

Computer power issues can be a simple affair to fix usually just a power supply, but.....
a failed power supply or PSU can lead to other issues such as hard drives DVD roms or even a blown motherboard, with this in mind we at Com Masters computer repairs test all your hardware for faults before we change your power supply  

Computer Hardware Diagnostic

The frustation of a computer not working correctly can really grind your gears, are you experiencing intermitant problems, blue screens, or freezing & non responsive screens, our hardware diagnostic service is what is required, it is possible it could be a software issue, but it could be caused by a piece of failing hardware, so let us stop the frustration for you before you loose the will to live, give us a quick friendly call or use the contact form below
Over time dust is pulled into your computer via the cooling fan's etc causing overheating issues, so it is very important that your Computer or graphics card fans are working unhindered from dust and contaminants, if your computer cooling fan is working at high speeds constantly it could be a sign your heatsink and fan require cleaning, & maybe your thermal paste is spent & needs reapplying.
Warnings such as "The system has detected that a cooling fan is not operating correctly" or rattling noises, loosely translates to "your Computer fan needs to be replaced" please do not ignore these signs and warnings

Computer health check

Suspect your computer has a virus, or your computer is just acting up, then we would suggest a laptop / computer health check, we can check your computer for all security vunrabilites such as malware, computer viruses & we also offer a full computer service to help speed things up on your PC or laptop

IT remote support

IT remote support service, the simple no hassle way to fix all those small computer problems niggling you, such as email support, your printer won't connect, sofware issues, and much much more

Simply give us a call, click here or click the download button below to download our IT remote assist software and watch us fix your computer problems from the comfort of your own home  

Questions ?

Above we have covered the most common types of Computer repair we encounter on a daily basis, if we have not covered the repair type you require or you wish to know more information please do not hesitate to give us a quick call and we will do our utmost to help you & if we cannot help you, we will direct you to someone who may be able to help with your issue.
15 Wainwright Close

01793 422534
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